Hey everyone, I only have one hosting account, but two days ago I got an email from a company called ‘Exact Hosting’ saying they had ‘just completed migrating’ my account and that I needed to update my info with them.
I never requested any migration, and my current hosting provider checked my account—nothing has changed.
Is Exact Hosting legit? Could this be a scam? Some kind of glitch? Should I just ignore it? Appreciate any advice!
If a hosting provider gets acquired by another company, they usually notify customers in advance rather than migrating accounts without warning. Best to check directly with your hosting provider.
Morgan said:
If a hosting provider gets acquired by another company, they usually notify customers in advance rather than migrating accounts without warning. Best to check directly with your hosting provider.
I figured it out—turns out it was for an old domain I had completely forgotten about. It was actually registered through eNom, unlike my active domain, which explains the confusion. Thanks for the advice!
Exact Hosting is owned by Tucows (also known as OpenSRS). They’ve acquired a few other hosting companies over time.
It’s probably not a scam, but knowing who your original hosting provider was might help clarify things. Also, checking which domain this is for could be useful.
If you weren’t expecting any changes, it’s always safest to be cautious. Contact your actual hosting provider to confirm if this is legit before taking any action.
This could be a phishing attempt, your host might have been acquired, or there’s a mix-up with your account. Definitely check with your hosting provider to be sure.