i came across ionos’ $0.50/month plan for the first year, and it looks tempting. but after reading through a bunch of reviews, i’m not sure i can trust it—especially since i’ll likely switch hosts after that first year.
i’m just looking to host a blog for now, and if it goes well, i might renew. mainly, i’m after the cheapest reliable option to get started. anyone here have thoughts on ionos, or know of any other cheap and decent hosting providers?
krystal.uk is a solid choice. their plans are fast and worth a few extra dollars, plus the second plan has unlimited websites and even a free lifetime domain. they’re also eco-friendly with green servers, something ionos likely doesn’t have.
that’s a great suggestion. unfortunately, i don’t have that budget just yet, but if the blog does well, i’ll definitely consider krystal. for now, any cheap and reliable shared hosting options?
for the price, ionos is alright. their backend isn’t cpanel, so it takes some getting used to and can be a bit slow. one thing—watch your bills; they sometimes add charges, like PHP Extended Support if you don’t manually set a current PHP version. they won’t automatically update it when the version is outdated. also, expect a few marketing calls unless you ask them to take you off the list.
been using them on and off for years because the pricing’s good.
Cora said: @Chase
try AWS free tier or oracle free tier. setting them up takes a bit of work, but they’re free and faster than most budget shared hosting.
that’s a fantastic suggestion! i’ve set up hosting on VPS before, but i didn’t know AWS had a free tier. thanks a ton.